- President’s Message
- Company Profile
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- Various Certification
Thank you for visiting the website of Kanematsu Trading Corporation.
Our company was established in 1970 as a member of Kanematsu Corporation, a general trading company in Japan. Since then, for over half a century, we have focused on supplying iron and steel products. Through our journey, not to mention our domestic services, we have expanded our scope of business to international trading as well. We are currently engaged in diverse type of trade business with a range of steel prodcuts to meet the needs of customer and society.
With the steadfast support of our stakeholders, we are grateful to announce that this year, 2020, Kanematsu Trading Corp. will mark its 50th anniversary.
Our principles in managing the company, high-level tranceparancy and high evaluation by society, have now been firmly established. We will strive to continue further business pursuits for the next 100 years and beyond.
We appreciate your ongoing and invaluable patronage and support.
Very truly yours,
Osamu Iwata
Kanematsu Trading Corporation